- 看你干的好事,弄得我感冒了。I've got you to thank for my cold.
- “你看你,约翰,你干的什么工作!”他咬着牙说道。Look,John, You and your honest work,he said between his teeth.
- “马克,瞧你干的好事!”他咬紧牙关说,“你真是那种尽出蹩脚贷、毁损本厂名声的人。”"Look,Mark," he said between his teeth. "You and your honest work! You're the sort of person who'll keep this factory down in the mud,turning out cheap trash."
- 小子,你仔细看看你做的好事!Look what you did, squirt!
- 之后,你的工资会增加,但要看你干得怎么样。After that,your salary can be increased. But it depends on how well you work.
- 我认为那是因为你干的太多了。I think it is because you are doing too much .
- 按我念的名字记下来,然后你再念一遍给我听,看你是否都写对了。Take down the names as I read them to you, and then read your list back to me, to see if you have got them all right.
- 我家花园里果树上的苹果每天都见少,我想一定又是那些顽童干的好事。The apples keep disappearing from the trees in my garden; I suppose those children are at it again.
- 医生:吉米,把嘴张开。让我看看你的舌头。说“啊”。Doctor: Open your mouth, Jimmy. Show me your tongue. Say, "Ah".
- 你干的事可真缺德.That was very wicked of you.
- 瞧你儿子干的好事!Guess what your son's been and gone and done!
- 他的妻子向他唠叨道: "你去医院看你姑妈,得穿得像样点。""You can't go visiting your aunt in hospital without a collar and tie, " his wife nagged at him.
- 我下星期去看你。I shall call on you next week.
- 他今天一清早干的好事已经报案了。His coup of early this morning had been reported.
- 你看你会跳迪斯科舞吗?Think you can do disco?
- 别指望你度假的时候你的同事会把答应帮你干的那份活给干了。When your workmates absolutely guarantee they'll take care of your duties while you're on vacation, they won't.
- 一位牧师先生来看你。A reverend gentleman is here to see you.
- 由于她干的好事,我不愿意帮她的忙。I'm in no hurry to help her,after what she did.
- 他将于四月三日来看你。He will come to see you on the third of April.
- 当西孟加拉一个偏僻村庄的数十只鸡不知去向时,所有人都认为是附近狗群干的好事。When dozens of chickens went missing from a remote West Bengal village, everyone blamed the neighbourhood dogs.