- 他得到了圣诞礼物兴奋得一时看不进书。He was too excited with the Christmas gifts to settle to his book.
- 一头扎进书堆里bury oneself in books
- 不要看不起他的努力。他已经取得了很大的进步。Don't sniff at his effort. He's made great progress.
- 你总是一头钻进书里。You've always had your nose in a book.
- 这枪能发出看不见的射线。The gun can fire invisible rays.
- 箱子太满,我再也塞不进任何书了。The case is full,I can't squeeze in any more books.
- 我看不出他和他兄弟有任何相似之处。I see no likeness whatever between him and his brother.
- 他太固执己见, 听不进别人的意见。He is too opinionated to listen to anyone else.
- 没注解我看不懂那本书。I couldn't understand the book without the gloss.
- 既然要写到关于我的生活,我的职业生涯,那有些东西就必须要写进书里,展现真实的我!It wouldn't have been right to write a book about my life and career without putting certain things in it. I've tried to be as truthful as I can.
- 你衣服上补过的地方几乎看不出来。The mend in your dress scarcely shows.
- 链接服务试图传输一个目前容纳不进驱动程序缓冲区的帧。The Link Service has attempted to transmit a frame that will not currently fit into the driver's buffer.
- 走进书室,见书案上躺着一片红红的叶子。那光亮的叶面,像涂了一层红色的漆,红得可爱,亮得令人不忍释手。A read leaf on my desk caught my eyes as I went tomy study. Red withsheen, it looked like freshly painted, and so lovely, making one reluctant topart with.
- 我看不出他们彼此有什么不同,在我看来,他们确实很相像。I can not see where they differ from each other: to me they look exactly alike.
- 这颗钉子我敲不进墙,也许钉子弯了,要么我必定是碰上了砖头。I can't hammer this nail into the wall; either it's bent or I must have struck a brick.
- 这本历史书我完全看不懂.This history book is completely impenetrable to me.
- 他除了那些胆小鬼和唯唯诺诺的人之外,谁的话也听不进。He had deprived himself of the advice of all but timid souls and yes men.
- 这书我看不懂。This book is beyond my depth.
- 他太固执己见,听不进别人的意见。He is too opinionated to listen to anyone else.
- 我看不懂那本书。I can't make much of the book.