- 我看不出他们彼此有什么不同,在我看来,他们确实很相像。I can not see where they differ from each other: to me they look exactly alike.
- 我看不出为什么两台车遭到破坏。我们应该采取措施防止将来再发生这样的事情。I saw no reason why the two cars were damaged. We ought to take actions to prevent this kind of thing in the future.
- 我看不出他和他兄弟有任何相似之处。I see no likeness whatever between him and his brother.
- 看不出see
- 他们简朴的家使人们看不出他们拥有巨额财富。The modesty of their home belies their great wealth.
- 我看不出你怎么能不出任这个职务。I don't see how you can get away with filling in the position.
- 我看不出你在写作方面有什么改进。I cannot see any improvement in your writing.
- 在这对孪生子之间看不出有什么明显的差别。There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.
- 我看不出他们不能成为幸福夫妻的理由。I see no reason why they should not make a happy couple.
- 你难道看不出她渴望在新戏中扮演一个角色吗?Can't you see she is panting for a part in the new play?
- 她的姑母几乎看不出有那么大年纪。Her aunt scarcely looked her age.
- 我看不出您来听课有什么不可以的。I don't find any objection to your attending the lecture.
- 我看不出有任何理由反对这个计划。I can see no reason to oppose the plan.
- 我看不出你这样干会得到什么好处。I don't see how you'll find your account in doing so.
- 俄国人可能看不出会使英国人笑出泪来的笑话有什么可笑之处。A Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears.
- 她身材苗条,看不出已是五十八岁了。She has a trim figure that belies her fifrty-eight years.
- 有的现象可能短期内看不出多大坏处。Some of its ill effects may not be immediately apparent.
- 我看不出他身上有什么诡秘的迹象。I could see nothing sinister about him.
- 我看不出最近有获得许多续订单的希望。I can see no immediate prospect of get many repeat order.
- 我实在看不出让她去那儿有哪点不好。I don't see any harm in letting her go out there.