- 看一部小说我们常常得从字里行间来看才能了解故事的真正含义。You often have to read a novel between the lines to get the real meaning of the story.
- 你们准备好要看一部惊心动魄的科幻巨片了吗?Are you all ready for a great sci-fi thriller?
- 他从前写过一些成功的小说,但在最近的一部中他才真正充分发挥了自己的特长。He wrote successful novels before, but he really come into his own with the latest one.
- 当你看一部令人感动的电视剧时,你就会很激动。When you see an exciting TV play, you may get excited.
- 一部subdivision
- 一个注定要失败的愚蠢方案;一部必定会成为经典的电影A foolish scheme destined to fail; a film destined to become a classic.
- 你想买部旧车吗?那太巧了,我正要有一部要卖,我相信我们能商定价钱的。Looking for a second-hand car, are you? That sounds like a happy coincidence. I have one to sell and I'm sure we agree on a price.
- 我想去看一部电影。I want to see a movie.
- 为了赚钱我写了一本短篇传记集,与此同时,我期待着开始写下一部小说。I wrote a book of short biographies as a pot boiler while waiting to begin work on my next novel.
- 看一部影片watch a film
- 编一部好词典需要多年的艰苦工作。It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.
- 愿意和我一起去看一部新影片吗?Would you like to go to see a new film with me?
- 具有独树一帜的史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格技巧的另一部冒险影片Another adventure film with that inimitable Steven Spielberg touch
- 一部好字典封语言学家的帮助甚大。A good dictionary is the handmaid of the linguist.
- 他想看一部喜剧。He wants to see a comedy.
- 真实的人,不是鬼魂;一个真实的问题;一部以真实生活为基础的影片Real people, not ghosts; a real problem; a film based on real life.
- 拍摄一部电视连续剧需要做大量的工作。Producing a series TV play entails a lot of work.
- 我想去看一部 电影。I want to see a movie.
- 下个月他们将出一部了不起的新百科全书。They are going to come out with a great new encyclopedia next month.
- 那三部计算机中的头一部是一台“非通用”机器,那是专用于制定生产规划的。The first of the three computers in an "off-line" machine that is used for production planning.