- 盘长结的小样试织研究Research on Panchang-Knot Test Weaving
- 盘长图形panchang figure
- 大长结-生丝疵点very long knot
- 长long
- Butler et Bisby),成株炭疽病为盘长孢状刺盘抱(Colletotrichumgloeosporioides Penz.)Butler et Bisby. ,the leaf anthracnose of adult plant by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.
- 必须承认,这是一只非同寻常的饼盘,盘长十八英尺,宽六英尺。Admittedly it was an unusual pie dish, for it was eighteen feet long and six feet wide.
- 月结monthly closing
- 长的full-bottomed
- 中国结Chinese knot
- 长大grow up
- 办结finish
- 长达extend as long as
- 长短length
- 月结单monthly statement
- 最长longest
- 我们被吓得张口结舌。We were struck dumb with horror.
- 长靴boot
- 车辙里结了一层薄冰。A skim of ice formed in the ruts.
- 长时间的long-playing
- 缠结entwist