- 生防益菌Benefit bacteria of biological control
- 生人(n) stranger
- 生孩子have a baby
- 生下be delivered of
- 有益菌beneficial bacterium
- 生出put forth
- 肠道有益菌Effective microbial flora in ineestinal
- 生小孩child-bearing
- 益菌促进肠道健康Probiotics for Improved Gut Health
- 与生俱来的inherent
- 复合有益菌制剂probiotics product
- 专科生junior college student
- 促进双歧杆菌等少数有益菌繁殖生长Increase health bacteria e. G. Bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria
- 资生堂shiseido
- 婚生子legitimate child
- 屏障技术:刺激有益菌的生长防止致病菌生长HURDLE TECHNOLOGY: stimulate beneficial bacteria to proliferate, block pathogenic bacteria to cause problems
- 醉生梦死lead a befuddled life
- 酪酸菌对肠道有益菌的增殖作用和共生关系研究Study on proliferation effect of Clostridium butyrium on intestinal available bacteria and symbiotic relation between them
- 对生opposition
- 健体乐提供10亿活性益菌,保护肠脏健康,排走毒素。Intestiflora Drink Mix provides a billion live probiotics that help remove intestinal wastes.