- 有皇族血统的王子.a prince of the blood (royal)
- 贵族血统、皇族血统的Descent from noble or royal lineage
- “你讲的关于你的皇族血统的故事不是真的,对吧?”普里丝猛然扬起头,好像顷刻间占了上风。"That story you told about your royal blood is not true, is it?"Prissier flung back her head and seemed momentarily to gain height
- 血统lineage
- 皇族prince of the blood
- 他们是血统很近的表亲。They are cousins of propinquity.
- 他出身皇族。He was born to the purple.
- 贵族血统blue blood
- 社会等级是指按照血统,阶级,财富等严格区分的社会制度。The caste refers to social system based on rigid distinctions of birth, rank, wealth, etc.
- 由波旁皇族酒和糖以及碾碎的冰块上的薄荷混合而成的酒。bourbon and sugar and mint over crushed ice.
- 波旁皇族bourbon
- 克里奥罗人生于西属美洲的欧洲人,尤指西班牙血统的人A Spanish American of European, usually Spanish descent.
- 贵族皇族]家庭的子弟a scion of a noble family royal stock ]
- 她有意大利血统。She is of Italian extraction.
- 封地,封禄,税赋的一种来源,如君主赐给皇族成员的领地a source of revenue,such as land,given by a sovereign for the maintenance of a member of the ruling family
- 他是法国血统的美国人。He is an American of French ancestry.
- 王室,皇族the royal family
- 他是个德国血统的男子。He is a man of German birth.
- 王室, 皇族the royalfamily [blood]
- 中国(血统)人Chinese extraction