- 贵州三宝Three treasure of GuiZhou
- 皈依三宝经The Sutra of Turning to the Three Treasures
- 扣鹿三宝Braised Three Treasures from Deer
- 皇帝下令将所有外国人驱逐出境。The emperor ordained that all foreigners be expelled.
- 厦华三宝Xiamen Overseas Chinese Electronic Co., Ltd.
- 乱民拥立他为皇帝。The mob acclaimed him emperor.
- 素烩三宝Imperial "three delicacies" (savoury)
- 故宫是中国古代皇帝的皇宫。The Palace Museum is the imperial palace of ancient Chinese emperors.
- 火鸭三宝扎Steamed Three Delicacies of Duck in Roll
- 那皇帝是有名无实的首脑。The emperor is a figurehead.
- 神圣罗马帝国皇帝an Emperor of the Romans
- 三宝家有限公司Sembodja Holland B.V.
- 你读过《皇帝的新衣》吗?Have you read the Emperor's New Clothes?
- 荷兰三宝家有限公司Sembodja
- 废黜末代皇帝to discrown the last emperor
- 家乡酿三宝家乡什菜煲Braised mixed vegetable home made style
- 皇帝登上王位时只有五岁。The emporer ascended the kingdom when he was only five.
- 荷兰三宝:木靴、风车、郁金香National Treasures of the Netherlands:Wooden Boots,Windmills and Tulips
- 皇帝在金銮殿召见大臣们。The emperor called his ministers into the throne room.