- 该站会连接一条横跨深圳河的行人天桥,通往边界另一面的皇岗口岸。The station will be connected by a pedestrian bridge across Shenzhen River with Huanggang on the other side of the boundary.
- 到达皇岗并解散Arrive at Huangguan and Dismiss
- 大巴在皇岗接送Coach Transportation Pickup at Huangguan
- 落马洲皇岗穿梭巴士服务Lok Ma Chau-Huangang Shuttle Bus Service
- 落马洲至皇岗的新跨界桥New Boundary Bridge between Lok Ma Chau and Huanggang
- 您准备从哪个口岸出境?Where are you going to leave the country?
- 增加边境开放口岸;increase the number of open border ports;
- 落马洲-皇岗过境穿梭巴士乘客人数Passenger of Lok Ma Chau - Huanggang Cross Boundary Shuttle Bus Service
- 口岸站port
- 深圳市皇岗社区妇女健康普查分析Analysis report on the general survey of Women's health in Huanggang Community of Shenzhen
- 畹町口岸Wanding Port
- 深圳地铁皇岗站地下一层支撑体系优化设计Optimum Design of the Bracing System on the First Layer of Huanggang Station in Shenzhen
- 云南口岸Yunnan Port
- 航空口岸airports
- 边境口岸bundary ports
- 三月,落马洲与皇岗之间开始提供穿梭巴士服务,多少纾缓了罗湖铁路关卡的挤塞情况。In March, the commissioning of the new shuttle-bus service between Lok Ma Chau and Huanggang partly alleviated pressure at the Lo Wu railway crossing.
- 铁路口岸ceke railway station port
- 一条新的铁路旅客过境通道将会连接落马洲至深圳皇岗,工程预计在2007年年中完成。A new rail passenger boundary crossing connecting Lok Ma Chau with Huanggang in Shenzhen is expected to be completed by mid-2007.
- 口岸通关customs clearance
- 行走落马洲公共交通交汇处与深圳皇岗之间的穿梭巴士,自一九九七年三月投入服务以来甚受欢迎,平均每日载客7970人次。The shuttle bus service introduced in March 1997 between the Lok Ma Chau Public Transport Interchange and Huanggang in Shenzhen is well patronised and carries 7970 passengers daily.