- 捷克爱乐乐团Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
- 贝尔格莱德爱乐乐团Belgrade Philharmonic
- 上海音乐学院中国爱乐乐团Shanghai Conservatory of Music China Philharmonic Orchestra
- 许忠和上海爱乐乐团-2006莫扎特荣御之旅音乐会Xu Zhong and Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra-2006 Mozart Music Royaum Voyage
- 戴嘉益如来自厦门爱乐乐团,在厦门从事专业长笛演奏和教学。Ms.Yiru Daijia - from Xiamen Aiyue Philharmonic and take part in flute playing and teachings in Xiamen. Tel
- 包含13首曲目的《爱情经典》专辑是安迪?威廉斯和皇家爱乐交响乐团联手打造的一张佳作。The album Greatest Love Classics including 13 tracks is a wonderful cooperation by Andy Williams and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
- 这可不是随便说说的,以色列爱乐乐团是一个世界级的乐团,能让他们过耳不忘可是很了不起的。Make no mistake, the Israel Philharmonic are a world class orchestra so it takes a lot to impress them.
- 爱笑的risible
- 他当上了皇家坦克团的装甲兵。He became a trooper in the Royal Tank Regiment.
- 爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog.
- 舞团dance regiment
- 爱狗dogginess
- 柏林爱乐乐厅Berlin Philharmonie
- 皇家骑士团外传Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis
- 爱思考的meditative
- 我们的坦克团把敌军打得落花流水。Our tank regiment thrashed the enemy troops.
- 爱家inhabitativeness
- 他的思想乱作一团。His thoughts are in a whirl.
- 爱荷华州Iowa
- 他指挥一个步兵团。He commands an infantry regiment.