- 会be able to
- 保皇会港澳总局与勤王运动The Hong Kong and Macao Main Bureau of the Royalist Society and the Movement to Rescue the Emperor
- 不会unlikely
- "其中的庙会、进香、迎驾,一般都有民间舞队(称香会或花会、皇会)参加,著Historically, temple fairs, offering incense and greeting the Buddhas, were joined by folk dance troupes (called Xianghui, Huahui or Huanghui).
- 会话conversation
- 皇(surname)
- 都会metropolis
- 康、梁逃亡海外,组织保皇会,同孙中山所代表的资产阶级、小资产阶级的革命派相对立,成为反动的政治派别。Kang Yu-wei and Liang Chi-chao fled abroad and formed the Protect-the-Emperor Party, which became a reactionary political faction in opposition to the bourgeois and petty bourgeois revolutionaries represented by Sun Yat-sen.
- 将会will, going to
- 拳皇boxing king
- 会所chamber
- 展会exhibition
- 保皇royalism
- 就会will
- 会有have
- 常会regular session
- 一会for a moment
- 会变variable
- 会不会(posing a question: whether someone, something) can or not
- 记者会press conference