- 文章开风气之先著论为百年之师--论梁启超的学术精神Articles opened up a new trend of thought and works were the master of many generations--On LIANG Qi-Chao'Leaning Spirit
- 谈起百年之事All this talk of getting old
- 一年之计在於春,一日之计在於晨。Plan your year in spring and your day at dawn.
- 美国关税百年之争The American Controversy over the Tariff Problems for a Century
- 他的托辞只是缓兵之计。His excuse was just a stall.
- 纳米技术解水玻璃老化百年之谜Nanometer technology unveil a very long period mystery of water glass'ageing
- 设置贸易壁垒不过是缓兵之计,根本不能真正解决问题。Trade barriers itself is only delaying tactic rather than a real solution.
- 宁夏近百年来的气候变化及突变分析Period and Jump Analyses of Climatic Variation in Ningxia in Recent Hundred Years
- 她愉快地接受了,于是他俩结为百年之好,不久便有了孩子。She happily accepts and they are married. They soon have a child.
- 人类活动影响下的胶州湾近百年来环境演变的沉积记录Human Impacts on Environmental Changes in the Last One Hundred Years of the Jiaozhou Bay
- 日本占领台湾达五十一年之久。The Japanese occupation of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years.
- 汽车问世已近百年了。The motor car has been with us for almost a century.
- 这个国家遭受战争的蹂躏达十五年之久。For fifteen years the country was scourged by war.
- 百年以后看同盟会Tong Meng Hui, Reconsidered One Hundred Years Later
- 我把她接到我家住下,并尽力在各方面帮助她达两年之久。I took her under my roof and gave her every help I could for two years.
- 在美国大陆上,我们珍贵的土地资源也得到了近百年来前所未有的保护。And more of our precious land has been preserved,in the continental United States,than at any time in 100 years.
- 将近四十年之久for nigh on forty years
- 近百年来关于娼妓的研究Research on the Prostitution Problem in the Past Hundred Years
- 所以在中国学术界,近百年来“重修《四库全书》”的呼声始终不绝于耳。Given this, China's academic circle has continuously called for amendments to the Complete Works of Chinese Classics over the past century.
- 年之久period of ... years