- 黄土丘陵区达乌里胡枝子人工草地生产力与土壤水分特征研究Study on the Above Ground Biomass Production and Soil Water of Artificial Lespedeza davurica Grasslands in Loess hilly-gully Region
- 几种胡枝子的旱盐逆境生理学研究。A physiological study on lespedeza in drought and salt stresses.
- 白的whitest
- 白羊座Aries
- 卫星搭载对二色胡枝子生物学特性的影响Effects of Spaceflight on Characteristics of Lespedeza Bicolor
- 对白dialogue
- 白羊Aries
- 胡思乱想let one's imagination run away with one
- 美白whiten
- 胡枝子克荧叶?触角感受器扫描电镜的观察Observation on Antenna Receptors of Cneorane violaceipennis Allard by scanning electronmicroscope
- 大白become known
- 白板white board
- 白名单white list
- 络腮胡whiskers
- 白蛋白albumin
- 胡枝子宁miyagenin
- 白头hoary head
- 白夜white night
- 白种人white
- 中型胡枝子wand lespedeza