- 鱼fish
- 鱼的ichthyic
- 白磷, 黄磷white phosphorus
- 三文鱼Salmon
- 白磷转化为红磷过程中爆炸原因探析Research after the Explosion Cause of Transforming White Phosphorus into Red Phosphorus
- 水煮鱼Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil
- 对"白磷水下燃烧"实验的多种改进方法Several ways to improve the experiment of "burning of white phosphorus under water"
- 烤鱼grilled fish
- 爆炸时,可散布燃烧的白磷,用于标示、遮蔽、隐藏或纵火。On bursting, the shell spreads burning white phosphorus, for marking, screening, obscuring and incendiary effects.
- 秋刀鱼mackerel pike
- 鱼骨fishbone
- 通过在火药中加入白磷,可增强烟雾,为一片大区域提供5-10分钟的烟雾。The Artillery Module models improved smoke effects, that is, felt wedges impregnated with WP, which can provide 5-10 minutes of smoke over a large area.
- 鱼头jowl
- 快速引爆是一个点引爆引信,用于高爆弹和白磷弹,可有效杀伤站立或卧倒的人员,装甲和未加固车辆。Fuze quick is a point-detonating fuze, and is used with HE and WP projectiles.
- 斑马鱼zebra fish
- 然而,因为白磷致命的毒性,从1845年火柴制造者暴露它的烟雾会导致下颌骨坏死的疾病。However, since white phosphorus is a deadly poison, from1845 match-makers exposed to its fumes succumbed to necrosis, a disease that eats away jaw-bones.
- 酸菜鱼Boiled Fish with Pickled Cabbage and Chili
- 桂鱼mandarin fish
- 鱼丸fish ball; fish cake
- 鱼眼pearl eye