- 咬鹃trogon
- 绿咬鹃quetzal
- 大咬鹃Quetzal
- 咬鹃科Trogonidae
- 咬的mordacious
- 咬鹃目Trogoniformes
- 浅绿色的美洲大蛾子,后翅有长尾,前翅有新月形斑点。large pale-green American moth with long-tailed hind wings and a yellow crescent-shaped mark on each fore wing.
- 热带美洲一种优美的单子叶棕榈属。a monocotyledonous genus of graceful palm trees in tropical America.
- 咬伤bite
- 开小白花或绿花的美洲杂草。an American weedy plant with small white or greenish flowers.
- 咬住bite into
- 咬文嚼字being pedantic
- 撕咬worry
- 狗咬狗dogfight
- 古巴咬鹃tocororo
- 咬边under cut
- 咬断snap
- 叮咬bite
- 这条大鱼咬住了钓饵。The enormous fish snapped the fly.
- 咬死kill