- 溪creek
- 龟tortoise
- 龟壳turtle shell
- 神龟shrine
- 他们涉水过溪。They waded across the stream.
- 龟兔赛跑the race between tortoise and rabbit
- 大溪地岛Tahiti
- 绩溪Jixi
- 蜜糖龟苓膏Guiling Jelly (Chinese Herbal Jelly) Served with Honey
- 小径在山溪处断了。The path ends at a beck.
- 龟背kyphosis
- 桥被冲走了,我们不得不趟水过溪。The bridge was washed away and we had to wade the stream.
- 小龟turtlet
- 他们沿溪谷筑防洪堤。They leveed the stream channel.
- 龟兹Qiuci
- 溪蟹river crab
- 龟甲虫tortoise beetle
- 八溪eight joints
- 灵龟八法Lingguibafa
- 板溪群Panchi group