- 日光白点鲑与河鳟当年鱼的饲育A year finished Culture mode in Salvelinus and Salmo
- 白点鲑发眼卵的贮存与人工孵化试验Storage and artificial incubation of eyed eggs of Salvelinus leucomaenis
- 鲑redfish
- 白点物white particles
- 白点兰属Thrixspermum
- 白点定位White points localization
- 鲑稚鱼salmon parr
- 黑底白点的布cloth with white spots on a black background
- 漏点:与[白点] 同义。Skip: Short for "dot skip". Synonymous with "speckle".
- 爱尔兰鲑gillaroo
- 活沙丁鱼头比死鲑鱼尾好。It is better to be head of a live sardin than the tail of a dead trout.
- 番鸭肝白点病病理学研究Pathology of Muscovy duck liver white-spots disease
- 她穿着一条黑底白点的裙子。She was wearing a black skirt with white spots.
- 陆封鲑landlocked salmon
- 紫红笛鲷白点病的防治试验PREVENTION AND CURE OF WHITE SPOT DISEASE IN RED SNAPPER, Lutjanus argentimaculatus
- 捕鲑者trouter
- 由鲑鱼片做成的鱼条。fish loaf made with flaked salmon.
- 靶心靶子中心的白点;靶心The white circle in the center of a target; a bull's eye
- 靶心:靶子中心的白点;靶心。The white circle in the center of a target; a bull's eye.
- 玛红点鲑dolly vardin trout