- 蜡嘴雀hawfinch
- 翅wing
- 黑尾蜡嘴雀Eophonamigratoria
- 拟南芥arabidopsis
- 曲线拟合curve fitting
- 中国溜蝇属白点溜蝇种团的分类学研究(双翅目:蝇科)A Taxonomic Study on the Lispe leucospila Species-Group of the Genus Lispe (Diptera: Muscidae) From China
- 拟人化personate
- 翅片fin
- 白点物white particles
- 拟制draw up
- 白点兰属Thrixspermum
- 鸟市上遇见率最大的 10种鸟类分别是花头鹦鹉、灰头鹦鹉、绯胸鹦鹉、大紫胸鹦鹉、红嘴相思鸟、画眉、黑喉噪鹛、普通朱雀、黑头蜡嘴雀和蒙古百灵 .The 10 species of the most common birds in these markets are Plum headed Parakeet, Slaty headed Parakeet, Moustached Parakeet, Lord Derby?s Parakeet, Red billed Leiothrix, Hwa Mei, Black throated Laughingthrush, Scarlet Grosbeak, Masked Hawfinch and Mongalian Lark.
- 根据你的情况,我们拟予从宽处理In your case, we are prepared to be lenient.
- 白点定位White points localization
- 那鸟振翅飞去。The bird flapped its wings and flew away.
- 拟合曲线fitting curve
- 黑底白点的布cloth with white spots on a black background
- 翅的alar
- 漏点:与[白点] 同义。Skip: Short for "dot skip". Synonymous with "speckle".
- 翅脉昆虫的翅脉或翅纹A vein or rib in the wing of an insect.