- 柿广翅蜡蝉Ricania sublirnbata Jacobi
- 广翅蜡蝉科Ricaniidae
- 山东广翅蜡蝉Ricania dlantungensis
- 八点广翅蜡蝉Ricania speculum
- 柿广翅蜡蝉的发生与防治Persimmon Tree Borer Occurrance and Control
- 柿广翅蜡蝉发育起点温度和有效积温研究Research on the development zero and effective accumulation of temperature for Ricania sublimbata Jacobi
- 蓝/白斑筛选方法white-blue plaque selection
- 背上有一块白斑的黑狗a black dog with a white patch on its back
- 前额有一块星形白斑的马a horse with a white star on its forehead
- 宫颈白斑;子宫颈粘膜白斑病leukoplakia of cervix
- 广翅目Megaloptera
- 蜜蜡beeswax
- 白脸的或脸上有白斑的Having a white face or face markings.
- 范围广wide range
- 蝉儿唱出炎热季节的欢歌。The locust shrills his song of heat.
- 一头额头有白斑的羚羊在河边喝水。A white-faced antelope is drinking at the pool.
- 那鸟振翅飞去。The bird flapped its wings and flew away.
- 男孩子们在林子里用网捕捉蝉。The boys were netting cicadas in the woods.
- 我们铸蜡成烛。We mold wax into candles.
- 角膜白斑眼角膜带有深厚的白色不透明物的状态。The condition of having a dense white opacity of the cornea.