- 胡椒鲷grunt
- 灰胡椒鲷greyskin
- 花尾胡椒鲷的人工繁殖Artificial propagation of yellow spotted grunt, Plectorhinchus cinctus
- 白带leukorrhea
- 花尾胡椒鲷Plectorhinchus cinctus
- 花尾胡椒鲷亲鱼Plectorhynchus cinctus broodstock
- 花尾胡椒鲷人工育苗试验Experiment on Seed Rearing of Grunt, Plectorhynchus cinctus
- 妇科白带涂片超高倍显微镜检查结果分析The Evaluation of leucorrhea results tested by ultramicroscopy
- 鲷pagrus major
- 3 347例滴虫性阴道炎患者白带常规检验分析Routine examination of leucorrhea in 3 347 patients with trichomonal vaginitis
- 白带的leukorrheal
- 鲷鱼bream
- 她用胡椒给牛肉调味。She sauced the beef with pepper.
- 白带过多leukorrhagia
- 漏出,经带胎产,白,带下,白带过多,带leukorrhagia
- 胡椒弄到鼻孔里会使人发痒。Pepper tickles if it gets into the nose.
- 常见于多岩石地区的欧洲画眉;雄性有带黑色的羽毛,颈部有白带。European thrush common in rocky areas; the male has blackish plumage with a white band around the neck.
- 来源于胡椒(尤其是黑胡椒),是黑胡椒和白胡椒的辣味源。derived from pepper (especially black pepper); source of the hotness of black and white pepper.
- 白带褐点天牛coffee stem borer
- 斑石鲷rock porgy