- 白的whitest
- 白羊座Aries
- 嫖宿whore with
- 对白dialogue
- 白羊Aries
- 美白whiten
- 吃喝嫖赌go dining, wining, whoring and gambling; lead a dissipated life
- 大白become known
- 嫖资capital for chasing the woman
- 嫖赌饮吹Prostitution, gambling, drinking and smoking
- 白板white board
- 嫖妓者wencher
- 白名单white list
- 嫖宿幼女罪crime of prostituting girls under the age of 14
- 白蛋白albumin
- “网络招嫖”Procuring Women on the Network
- 白头hoary head
- 嫖不如偷,对,偷省钱。That was much cheaper than going to a brothel.
- 白夜white night
- 白种人white