- 斑凤蝶Chilasa clytia
- 青凤蝶Graphium sarpedon
- 锯凤蝶族Zerynthiini
- 柑橘凤蝶Citrus Swallowtail
- 丝带凤蝶Sericinus montelus
- 尾凤蝶属Bhutanitis
- 喝斑凤蝶Chilasa agestor
- 玉斑凤蝶Papilio helenus
- 中华虎凤蝶Luehdorfia chinensis
- 长尾麝凤蝶Byasa impediens
- 周氏虎凤蝶Luehdorfia choui
- 巴黎翠凤蝶Papilio (Prirceps) paris
- 翠凤蝶亚属Princeps
- 中国青凤蝶变异型初步观察A preliminury observation of the aberrant forms of Graphium sarpedon in China
- 金斑喙凤蝶成虫的交配和取食行为观察Observations on Copulatory and Predatory Behaviors of Adult of Teinopalpus aureus Mell
- 纹凤蝶属(鳞翅目:凤蝶总科)一中国新记录种A New Record Species of Paranticopsis (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidae) in China
- 光周期和温度对美凤蝶幼虫发育历期的影响Influence of the Photoperiod and Temperature on Larval Developmental Periods of the Great Mormon Butterfly Papilio memnon Linnaeus
- 凤蝶和蛱蝶是一个隔离历史和分布复杂混合体,需阐明马达加斯加和旧世界的区系。In the case of both the swallowtail butterflies (Zakharov et al. 2004) and the satyrine butterflies (Torres et al. 2001), a complex mix of vicariance history and dispersal seems necessary to explain their distribution in Madagascar and other parts of the Old World.
- 首次采用改进的CTAB法提取裳凤蝶基因组DNA,所提样品完全可以满足RAPD及线粒体DNA的扩增。The improved method of CTAB isolation of total DNA is suitable for extraction of total DNA from insects of Troides.
- 窄斑翠凤蝶(P.arcturus)、克里翠凤蝶(P.krishna)、绿带翠凤蝶(P.maackii)和西番翠凤蝶(P.syfanius)的亲缘关系较近。The relationships among P.arcturus, P.Krishna, P.maackii and P.syfanius were also closer.