- 头喙类Auchenorrhyncha
- 头喙部auchenorrhyncha
- 头喙亚目Auchenorrhyncha
- 头head
- 此刻它只要能够站立起来便觉得心满意足了,但是它一站起身,就被一头海豚推倒在地。"He is now satisfied merely to try to stand up, but as soon as he does so a porpoise knocks him flat. "
- 具头喙的auchenorrhynchus
- 北美白头海雕American eagle
- 喙头蜥rhynchoceph
- 头的cephalic
- 野白头bulbus allii bakeri
- 喙头龙科Rhynchosauridae
- 白头hoary head
- 喙头蜥目Rhynchocephalian
- 白头偕老remain happily married to a ripe old age
- 白头鹎A black-headed bird characterized by the white patch covering the nape and the sides of its head which gets whiter as the bird gets older, living in flocks in the woodland, feeding on insects, seeds and berries.
- 与喙头蜥目共存的一属;新西兰产的大蜥蜴。coextensive with the order Rhynchocephalia: tuataras.
- 白头鹤white-head ed crane
- 纽西兰的蜥蜴为目前硕果仅存的喙头类动物。The tuatara of New Zealand is the only extant rhynchocephalian..
- 白头疮folliculitis
- 白头蒜garlicy