- 蚁鸫Ant-Shrike; Ant-Thrush; Ant-Vireo
- 白喉diphtheria
- 蚁ant
- 鸫thrush
- 蚁的formic
- 白喉鸫Robin; White-throated robin
- 白喉毒素diphtheria toxin
- 蚁冢,蚁垤蚂蚁、白蚁为挖穴或筑巢而刨出的小土堆或沙堆A mound of soil, sand, or dirt formed by ants or termites in digging or building a nest.
- 北美洲乌鸫,其蓝黑色的羽毛在秋天呈现铁锈红色的边。North American blackbird whose bluish-black plumage is rusty-edged in the fall.
- 白喉杆菌diphtheria bacillus
- 蚁丘ant hill
- 白喉抗毒素diphtheria antitoxin (DAT)
- 斑鸫thrush
- 蚁虫似乎喜欢这种敲打,立刻就有一小滴蜜露流了出来。The cow bug seems to enjoy this, and presently a tiny drop of honeydew milk appears.
- 白喉类毒素diphtheria toxoid
- 八色鸫科Pittidae
- 白喉咽峡炎angina diphtheritica
- 阿根廷蚁Argentine ant
- 鞭鸫whip bird
- 抗白喉血清antidiphtheric serum