- 灰莺产于东半球的一种鸣鸟(灰白喉林莺或白喉林莺),羽毛略带褐色,喉部和腹部呈白色Either of two Old World songbirds(Sylvia communis or S. curruca) having brownish plumage and a white throat and belly.
- 美洲林莺;在地上筑圆丘状的巢American warbler; builds a dome-shaped nest on the ground
- 灰莺,产于东半球的一种鸣鸟(灰白喉林莺或白喉林莺),羽毛略带褐色,喉部和腹部呈白色either of two Old World songbirds(Sylvia communis or S. curruca) having brownish plumage and a white throat and belly
- 以模仿其它鸟类叫声而著名的美洲林莺。American warbler noted for imitating songs of other birds.
- 黑顶白颊林莺,一种北美鸣禽(黑顶白颊林莺林莺属),其雄性有一黑冠a North American warbler(Dendroica striata),the male of which has a black cap
- 白喉diphtheria
- 莺golden oriole
- 退耕还林returning land for farming to forestry
- 林檎Chinese pear-leaved crabapple
- 白喉毒素diphtheria toxin
- 白喉杆菌diphtheria bacillus
- 林黛玉lin blackjade
- 白喉抗毒素diphtheria antitoxin (DAT)
- 考林Courlene
- 白喉类毒素diphtheria toxoid
- 氨苄西林ampicillin
- 白喉咽峡炎angina diphtheritica
- 毁林disforestation
- 抗白喉血清antidiphtheric serum
- 白喉的diphtheritic