- 年,曾洋洋应摩洛哥王国国王:穆罕默德六世邀请,访问摩洛哥,参加国王登基大典曾洋洋的中国画熊猫、牡丹花赠送给国王。Zeng Yangyang has been invited by The Kingdom of Morocco King S.M.Leroi Mohammed VI, visit King Palace, join King ascend the throng grand ceremony. Zeng Yangyang's China painting panda,peony flower to King.
- 鸣礼炮21响开始了大典。The cermony was opened by the firing of a21-gun salute.
- 肯特的登基岬Dungeness in Kent
- 民法大典the corpus of civil law
- 庆祝女王登基.celebrating the queen's accession
- 长寿大典A Life Guide to Longevity
- 新国王登基the accession of a new king
- 祭山大典?Sacrificial ceremony honoring the mountain?
- 他批准这项措施时,登基才8个月。He had been on the throne for barely eight months when he authorized this.
- 登极大典The ceremony of ascending the throne
- 他在1910年登基。He came to the throne in 1910.
- 即王位,成为国王 (或女王),(君主)登基to ascend the throne
- 国王祝寿大典the oBservance of the King's Birthday
- 维多利亚女王登基50周年庆典Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee celebrations
- 中华大典A Branch of Great Dictionary of Chinese Culture
- 他登基之后就创造新的乐曲After he was enthroned, he ordered new music pieces be created on Buddhism.
- 庆功大典grand ceremony of celebrating victory
- 女王在一所古老的大教堂里举行登基仪式.The queen was enthroned in an ancient abbey.
- 封禅大典grand ceremony of offering sacrifices to Heaven