- 病人经治疗后未见起色.The patient did not respond to treatment.
- 病人经治疗後未见起色.The patient did not respond to treatment.
- 这种疾病经药物治疗后未见好转。The disease failed to respond to drugs.
- 病人经治疗後未见起色。The patient did not respond to treatment.
- 通过AML1/ETO融合mRNA的检测可监测体内残留白血病情况 ,AML1/ETO阳性病人经治疗后转阴并持续阴性者预后好 ;The AML1/ETO-positive patients who became PCR-negative after several courses of chemotherapy had an optimistic outcome,but the patients who demonstrated persistence of AML1/ETO fusion mRNA had a poor prognosis.
- 可是,在这15年的民主制度下,菲律宾经济丝毫未见起色。"Sadly, 15 years of democratic rule have not helped the country's economy pick up."
- 射击后未完全燃烧的火药气体后泄。the backward escape of unburned gunpowder after a shot.
- 高龄病人经尿道前列腺电切术的护理Nursing care of aged patients undergoing prostate electrocision through urethra
- 他服了这药未见起色。He failed to respond to the medicine.
- 颅脑外伤轻中度意识障碍病人经口喂养的护理The nursing of mouth feeding on brain trauma patients with mild medium consciousness disturbance
- 注册4天后未登录的球队。Not logging into the team in 4 days after registration.
- 治疗后posttreatment
- 方法 10 3例病人经病史、体检、腹部X线明确诊断。Methods Diagnosis was con-formed by history,physical Examination and abdominal X-ray test in 103 Caes.
- 经过一个疗程的治疗后她复原了。After a course of treatment she became herself again.
- 65例(46.4%)输注 FCE 后未再输库血。The arterial oxygen content was increasedafter infusion of FCE. Sixty-five cases(46.4%25)did not received blood transfusion.
- 此伤口虽经治疗,但尚未痊愈。Though the wound is cured, it is not healed.
- 偏氯乙烯悬浮共聚后未反应单体回收方案探讨Discussion on the scheme of unreacted monomer recovery after VDC suspension copolymerization
- 针刺足少阴肾经治疗便秘疗效观察Effective Observation of Using the Acupuncture on the Kidney Meridian of Foot - shaoyin Acupoints to Treat Constipation
- 全膝关节置换术后未洗涤伤口引流血凝血功能的研究Research on coagulation of unwashed shed blood after total knee arthroplasty
- 急性心肌梗死伴心衰、心源性休克病人经皮冠状动脉介入治疗近中期疗效Observation of short-and mid-term clinical outcome of percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction with heart failure or cardiogenic shock