- 乐队不得不在城市大厅里举行音乐会。Then the concert will just have to take place in the Town Hall.
- 的确,郁金以前被称为"印地安番红花"并且有时被作为番红花欺骗性的出售。Indeed, turmeric was formerly referred to as "Indian saffron" and is sometimes sold fraudulently as saffron.
- 钾对番红花球茎膨大的生理生态效应Physiological and ecological effects of potassium on expansion of crocus corm
- 番(measure word for acts)
- 番红花化学成分及生物活性研究进展Advances in reserach of chemical constituents in Crocus sativus and their biological activities
- 一番one time [in scoring]
- 番石榴guava
- 这个大厅我们派多种用途。We use the hall for multiple purposes.
- 那个孤儿在各个城市游荡。The orphan floated from town to town.
- 番红花花瓣分步处理与花柱-柱头状物的高频分化Petals of Crocus sativus were Treatment by Stages and High Frequency Differentiation of Style-Stigma-like Structures
- 大厅里迸发出一阵笑声。There was an outburst of laughter in the hall.
- 考古学家发掘出一个埋在地下的城市。The archaeologists excavated a buried city.
- 大厅以中国画装饰。The hall is ornamented with Chinese paintings.
- 这城市有许多美丽的公园。This city has many beautiful parks.
- 这个大厅音响效果好。The hall has good acoustics.
- 番红花苦素,藏红花苦苷,苦藏花素picrocrocin
- 我们城市极少有青少年吸毒。Few teenagers in our city use drugs.
- 大厅里装饰着花朵。The great hall was decorated with flowers.
- 南半球上哪个城市最大?What is the largest city in the southern hemisphere?
- 大厅里回荡着笑声和口哨声。The hall resounded with laughter and whistles.