- 她挺身反抗那些恃强欺弱的人,真勇敢.It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies.
- 她挺身反抗那些恃强欺弱的人, 真勇敢.It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies.
- 在学校恃强欺弱不仅仅是只有孩子们才干的事情。Bullying in school isn't just an activity undertaken by children.
- 畏强凌弱quail before the strong and be overbearing with the weak
- 他那恃强欺弱的行为对于他所说的待人友善的漂亮言词是一个嘲弄。His bullying made a mock of all the fine things he said about kindness to others.
- 像所有恃强欺弱的家伙那样,他在我们勇敢的抵抗下退缩了。Like all bullies,he backed water before our brave resistance.
- 他那恃强欺弱的行为对於他所说的待人友善的漂亮言词是一个嘲弄His bully make a mock of all the fine thing he say about kindness to others
- 像所有恃强欺弱的家伙那样,他在我们勇敢的抵搞这下退缩了。Like all bullies, he backed water before our brave resistance.
- 所有考官们评论说杰克思路清晰,给人印象深刻,独立判断能力也相当强。All the examiners commented that Jack had an impressively clear head and considerable powers of independent criticism.
- 恃强欺弱者是肉如懦夫。A bully is always a cownard
- 该恃强欺弱者把这个小男孩推到了一边。The bully shoved aside the little boy.
- 欺小凌弱bully the small and the weak; said of a country
- 以强凌弱,胜之不武。It is no honour for an eagle to vanquish a dove.
- 她的消化力弱[强]。She has a weak [good] digestion.
- 强电解质和弱电解质strong electrolyte and weak electrolyte
- 由弱变强change from weak to strong
- 锄强扶弱wipe out the bullies and help the down-trodden
- 强/弱脉搏a strong/weak pulse
- 强后即弱fp [fortepiano]
- n. 强胜弱败。The weakest goes to the wall.