- 二胡曲有刘文金的《豫北叙事曲》和《三门峡畅想曲》、黄海怀《赛马》For the erhu by Liu Wenjin (Ballad of Northern Henan and Musing at the Sanmen Gorge), and Huang Haihuai (Horse Race)
- 秋冬流行畅想曲全球气候在变暖,设计师们顺应自然界的改变,为我们奉上不同以往的秋冬新作。Cloud Atlas The global climate is becoming warmer and warmer. According to this change, designers present us a quite different line of autumn winter wears.
- 近年来创作二胡曲面有《豫北叙事曲》、《二门峡畅想曲》、《长城随想》(二胡与乐队,刘文金曲)、Erhu works composed in recent years, such as Ballad of Northern Henan, Musings at the Sanmen Gorge, Random Thoughts at the Great Wall (arranged for erhu and orchestra by Liu Wenjin)
- 其中,刘文金的二胡曲《豫北叙事曲》、《三门峡畅想曲》和王惠然的琵琶曲《彝族舞曲》最具创意,给后来的创作以较大影响。Of these pieces of music, Liu Wenjin's erhu works Ballad of Northern Henan and Musing at the Sanmen Gorge,and Wang Huiran's pipa work Dance of the Yi People showed the greatest creativity, and had a great influence on later generations of composers.