- 男中音独唱曲.a baritone aria
- 摘要《黄河怨》是《黄河大合唱》的第六乐章,是一首女高音独唱曲。"The Yellow River Indignation", a soprano solo, is the Sixth Movement of "The Yellow River Cantata".
- 曲wrong
- 独唱曲aria
- 曲调有器乐伴奏的独唱曲,如在一歌剧中A solo vocal piece with instrumental accompaniment, as in an opera.
- 男中音baritone
- 独唱曲的无力表演A pale rendition of the aria.
- 三部曲trilogy
- 观众们完全被这位独唱演员的精彩表演打动了。The audience was completely carried away by the wonderful performance of the soloist.
- 有器乐伴奏的独唱曲,如在一歌剧中a solo vocal piece with instrumental accompaniment,as in an opera
- 他是男低音还是男中音?Is he a bass or a baritone?
- 马梅独唱音乐会Vocal Recital by Ma Mei
- 金曲great hit
- 高于男中音的成年男子歌喉。the adult male singing voice above baritone.
- 浅论独唱与伴奏的关系On Relation between Vocal Solo and Instrumental Accompaniment
- 男中音号baritone horn
- 在昨晚的音乐会上,那个女高音独唱博得了听众的赞赏。The soprano solo knocked the audience over completely at the concert last night.
- 独唱曲用于独唱或独奏的乐曲或乐段,有伴奏或无伴奏皆可。A composition or passage for an individual voice or instrument, with or without accompaniment.
- 男中音歌手barytone
- 一辑精彩绝伦的十首独唱歌曲a stunning solo set of ten songs