- 用玻璃瓶造的汽油弹petrol bomb
- 常用in common usage
- 汤姆汽车的汽油用光了,他只好在路旁要求货车司机载一程。Tom s car ran out of gas, and he had to hitch a ride with a truck driver.
- 可用do
- 天主上帝把他造的男人带去伊甸园,让他在园中耕耘管理。The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and care for it.
- 不用need not
- 敌人的汽油库遭到直接命中,爆炸时的轰然巨响,几英里内都可以听到。The enemy gas tank received a direct hit and went up in a huge explosion that was heard for miles around.
- 用法usage
- 那艘船是特为比赛而造的——它开起来快极了。That boat was built for racing—it goes like a bird!
- 有用useful
- 家用home-use
- 画中的两个窃贼正准备放弃珍贵的钻石而改偷珍贵的汽油。The two housebreakers in his cartoon are ready to forego precious stones for precious fuel.
- 用电electro-
- 大火席卷郊区,那里的房屋多数都是木造的,被烧成了一片废墟。Fires swept through the outskirts, where the houses, being mostly of wood, were razed to the ground.
- 没用useless
- 不用谢You're welcome
- 一般的汽油得通过处理或添加别的较高性能的物质来改良其性能。The plain gasoline had to be improved by treatment or the addition of other higher quality material.
- 用手by hand
- 用力exert oneself (physically)
- 可用空间space available