- 生日birthday
- 饭meal
- 生日快乐Happy birthday
- 一顿饭meal
- 生日的genethliac
- 饭团Rice and vegetable roll
- 生日礼物birthday gift
- 我想请你吃饭。I'll treat you to dinner.
- 过生日celebrate a birthday
- 饭卡mess card
- 生日蛋糕birthday cake
- 肉饭pilau
- 祝你生日快乐happy birthday to you
- 卤肉饭Braised pork rice
- 生日宴会birthday party
- 咖喱饭curry and rice
- 1995年三月五日,我举办了一次愉快的生日聚会。I had a happy birthday party on March5,1995.
- 蒸饭steamed rice
- 祝你生日快乐!Happy birthday!
- 这儿的居民过去每天吃两餐饭。People in this locality used to take two meals a day.