- 成succeed
- 不成won't do
- 做生意不打广告就像在黑暗中对女孩眨眼,你知道你在干什么,但她不知道。Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you're doing, but she doesn't.
- 人在人情在While a man lives, his favours are remembered; One dies with the feelings of his relatives and friends towards him
- 可是要你做不成生意,让你处境非常狼狈的也大有人在。But there are enough wanting to put you out of business to make it very awkward of you.
- 做生意不利用广告就象在黑暗中对女孩眉目传情。你知道自己在做什么,但别人不知道。Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does.
- 不成比例out of proportion
- 你做生意不能连一点蝇头小利都不放过。You shouldn't haggle over every ounce when you do business.
- 恨铁不成钢hate iron could not turn into steel
- 唔,现在是淡季,生意不是特别好。Well, this is the off-season, so business is not particularly brisk just now.
- 干下三年来,不成圣人吧,也总算明白明白人情大道理。”After three years' hard work, even if you aren't a sage at least some sense will have been drilled into you."
- 这家商店因为生意不好而结束营业。The store closed because it sold very few things.
- 生意不好时,公司很难从欠款人处取回欠款。When business is bad,it's very difficult for the company to collect from people who owe them money.
- 却一笔生意也做不成。But fails to make a sale.
- 那年月女的到酒店喝酒可不成体统。It wasn't quite the done thing for women to drink in pubs in those days.
- 和美国人做生意不需要有很好的个人关系。You can do business with an American without having a strong personal relationship.
- 上星期那笔生意做不成了!I lost that business deal last week!
- 她今天打不成字,她的打字机出了毛病。She can't do any typing today; her typewriter has got out of whack.
- 星期一的生意不佳,整个上午我们没有动用现金收入记录机。Business was bad Mondays: we didn't ring up a sale all morning.
- 这笔生意谈不成也不在乎。If the business falls through, no need to care about it.