- 生化危机之机密报告:档案Resident Evil Confidential Report File
- 爽open
- 不爽not well
- 漫反射diffuse(d) reflection
- 爽肤水toner; astringent
- 漫无目的flanerie
- 货币危机monetary crisis
- 漫延pervade
- 陷入危机come to a crisis
- 那美女以前是个丑小鸭。That beauty once was an ugly duckling.
- 漫无目的的planless
- 该工业受到能源危机的影响。The industry felt the effects of the energy crisis.
- 盯着看一位美女to eye a pretty woman
- 主要污染指标是氨氮和生化需氧量。The key pollution indicators are ammonia nitrogen and BOD.
- 漫射diffusion
- 爽滑smooth
- 应对危机cope with various crises
- 形态-生化特征morphologic - biochemical peculiarity
- 石油危机oil crisis
- 动漫产业animation industry