- 生产控制团队的领导.Team leader of Production Control.
- 生产manufacture
- 分类插件控制团队项目的迭代和结构。The Classification plug-in controls the iterations and structure of a team project.
- 领导leadership
- 后期指定的供应商-提供早期生产的遏制措施和预生产控制计划。After Named Supplier - Provide Early Production Containment and Pre-launch control plan.
- 项目团队的领导和管理。Manage and lead project team.
- 生产的procreative
- 是反对党的无能,而非他个人的领导艺术,使该首相处于优势地位。The Prime Minister kept on top of the Opposition more by their ineptitude than by his own skill.
- 生产管理plant supervision
- 赛季票更新为93%,这被认为是一个团队的成功,在NBA决赛没有确定时。Season-ticket renewals at 93%25, deemed a success for a team that didn't make NBA or conference finals.
- 生产能力production capacity
- 生产过程course of production
- 他担任了这个团队的领导。He undertook the leadership of the team.
- 生产设备production equipment
- 生产成本cost of production
- 如果我们的领导地位动摇了,不仅会危害世界的和平,而且一定会危害国家的安定。If we falter in our leadership, we may endanger the peace of the world, and we shall surely endanger the welfare of this nation.
- 生产企业manufacturer
- 生产基地production base
- 除此之外,行政助理还可能被指定负责协调某些特殊项目和任务以完成团队的共同目标。In addition to administrative duties, the Assistant may also be assigned to coordinate special projects or tasks and will contribute to the achievement of QS/DS team Objectives.
- 非凡的领导力charisma