- 稻茎螟purplish stem borer
- 玉米自交系对粉茎螟的抗性研究Resistance of Maize Inbreds to Pink Stem Borer
- 甘薯茎sweet potato stem
- 甘薯茎蔓Sweet potato stem
- 甘薯茎尖sweet potato tips
- 甘薯茎叶sweet potato leaves and stems
- 甘薯茎线虫Ditylenchus destructor
- 螟Heliothus armigera
- 茎stem
- 甘薯sweet potato
- 斑螟科Phycitidae
- 叶菜型甘薯茎尖vegetable sweet potato tips
- 斑螟亚科Phycitinae
- 菜螟cabbage webworm
- 包茎phimosis
- 过去甘薯是他们的主食。Sweet potato was the staple of their diet.
- 草螟crambid
- 粟草螟millet grass moth
- 有病的茎往往溃烂。Blighted stems often canker.
- 糖煮的甘薯candied sweets.