- 互隔交链孢霉毒素诱发人胎食管上皮组织c-Ha-ras点突变的研究Point-mutation on c-Ha-ras gene of human fetal esophageal epithelium induced by mycotoxins of Alternaria alternata
- 交链孢霉A hernaria Nee ex Wallr.
- 互隔交链孢霉Alternaria attemata
- 互隔交链孢霉素Altenuene
- 超链接hyperlink
- 茄交链孢培养滤液中抗菌活性物质产生条件的研究Modification of Antibiotic Active Substance Production in Cultural Filtrate of A. Solani
- 头孢噻啶,吡唑孢霉素,先锋霉素Ⅱ, 头孢利素,头孢娄利定,头孢菌素ⅡGlanxoridin
- 甘蓝格链孢菌素brassicicolin
- 内孢霉endomyces
- 交链连接Cross linking
- 交链剂cross linking agent
- 侧孢霉属sporotrichum
- 孢霉素p0-357; sporamycin
- 交链区hinge region
- 链孢烯neurosporene
- 黑孢霉nigrospora
- 正交链接[计] orthogonal linkage
- 顶孢霉Acremonium hansfordii
- 防火交链剂APOflame-retardant APO
- 被孢霉Mortierella sp.