- 甘榜爪哇邻里警局局长CO Kampong Java Neighbourhood Police Centre
- 榜单list
- 上榜be on the list
- 封神榜The Legend of Deification
- 反对党领袖怀疑,如果选举结果对她不利的话,她是否会甘拜下风。Opposition leaders were wondering about whether she would abide by the election results if they went against her.
- 约翰逊先生得知谁是他的对手后,便甘拜下风退出比赛。Mr Johnson bowed out of the contest when he learned who his opponent was.
- 放榜announcement of examination result
- 甘受诱惑to listen to temptation
- 甘地在印度历史上是政治和宗教要人。Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history.
- 恬澹自甘To be calm and frugal willingly
- 榜油酚selinenol
- 甘毳养亲To nourish parents with sweet dainties
- 风云榜roll of the hour
- 甘言引诱To seduce with sweet words
- 榜示post for public attention; make an announcement
- 饱餍甘旨To surfeit oneself with sweet
- 榜嘎wolf-bane
- 甘守清贫glory in honest poverty
- 榜帖bulletin; public notice
- 他不因财富和奢华而自甘堕落。He didn't let riches and luxury make him degenerate.