- 你到过美国大峡谷国家公园吗?Have you been to American Grand Canyon National Park?
- 马克逊黑啤Mackeson's Stout
- 因此,甘尼萨是专有地由帕娃蒂的女性欲望所生。So Ganesha was born out of the exclusively female desire of Parvati to procreate.
- 大峡谷国家公园Grand Canyon National Park
- 黑black
- 事实上,甘尼萨也是发现自己内在神性的象征。Ganesha, in fact, is the symbol of he who has discovered the Divinity within himself.
- 卢彭巴国家公园Parc National del' Upenba
- 黑石河峡谷国家遗产廊道The Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor
- 公园a public park
- 甘尼特有过一个粗线条的幻想,后来米勒加以充实。Gannett had a limited vision, and later Miller broadened it.
- 黑莓blackberry
- 口述开始,但在勿忙的书写中,甘尼萨的笔弄坏了。The dictation began, but in the rush of writing Ganesha's pen broke.
- 山地斑马国家公园Mountain Zebra National Park
- 不逊rude
- 黑的sable
- 尼采Nietzsche
- 沃尔纳特峡谷国家保护区Walnut Canyon National Monument
- 黑眼圈dark pouches
- 尼康Nikon
- 国家公园national park