- 导演及编剧大卫·高耶,杰茜卡·拜尔,瑞安·雷诺兹,制片和全体演职员参与的两条评论Widescreen version of the R-rated film Two commentaries with writer-director David Goyer, Jessica Biel, Ryan Reynolds, producer and crew
- 威廉·H·雷诺兹Reynolds William H.
- 瑞恩·雷诺兹和制片评论Ryan Reynolds and Producers commentary
- 迅雷sudden peal of thunder
- 今后雷诺兹公司还必须采取具体的步骤,切实遵循一九九八年的协议。In the future, Reynolds must also take specific measures to effectively comply with the 1998 agreement.
- 读完故事,我双眼紧盯着雷诺兹先生,雷诺兹先生也正凝视着我。At the conclusion of my story, my eyes locked[vi] with Mr.
- 然而,当前的困境却近乎可以被看作诺兹郡的足球俱乐部生涯所遭受的最大威胁。The current predicament however can arguably be seen as the greatest threat ever to the survival of Notts County as a football club.
- 雷诺太太用这种口吻继续对她的朋友数落了几乎一小时。In this strain Mrs. Trenor continued for nearly an hour to admonish her friend.
- 1月15日星期三,在一个挤满了400多名诺兹郡球迷的会议上,到会者一致投票同意成立一个球迷信托机构。At a packed meeting of over 400 Notts County supporters at Meadow Lane on Wednesday 15 January there was a unanimous vote to give the go ahead for a Supporters Trust to be formed.
- 雷诺对于《联盟宣言》所寄托的希望顷刻之间便消灭了。The hopes which Reynaud had founded upon the Declaration of Union were soon dispelled.
- 难道历史会认为毕加索比雷诺阿等级高?Will history rate Picasso above Renoir?
- 雷诺[法Renault [France]
- 雷诺的达喀尔之路Renault Marching All the Way to Dakar
- 桥梁断面雷诺数效应Reynolds number effect of bridge deck section
- 雷诺值NR; RE; Reynold's number
- 雷诺氮芥ranimustine
- 低雷诺数low Reynolds number
- 雷诺判据Reynold's criteria
- 雷诺昔酚raloxifene
- 雷诺湍流Reynold's turbulence