- 大家都认为财政大臣佛林奈浦在拉直的绳子上跳舞跳得比全王国的任何大臣至少要高一英寸。Filmnap, the Treasurer, is allowed to cut a caper on the strait rope, at least an inch higher than any other lord in the whole empire.
- 王国的regnal
- 大海的俯视图;在高出乡村的城堡上眺望;俯视舞台的包厢a commanding view of the ocean; looked up at the castle dominating the countryside; the balcony overlooking the ballroom
- 王国kingdom
- 原核生物无核原生物(或原核生物)王国的一员,由原核生物组成,包括所有细菌。A member of the kingdom Monera(or Prokaryotae),comprising the prokaryotes and including all bacteria.
- 男爵住在一座坚固的城堡中。The baron lived in a strong castle.
- 面向大海的城堡a castle fronting on the sea
- 他好似一个在疯人院里统治着一个想象王国的精神病人。He was like a lunatic reigning in a madhouse over an imaginary kingdom.
- "重新站在我的王国的土地上,我激动得流泪了。""I weep for joy to stand upon my kingdom once again."
- 这座倾毁的城堡是有价值的古代遗址,受文物保护令的保护。The ruins of the castle are an ancient monument; there is a preservation order on them.
- 王国的统治者称作国王。The ruler of a kingdom is designated a king.
- 之后进攻佐尔坦守卫的城堡(11石像)进城,建2级魔法行会(要学蜜蜂)后向南进发。Zehir then enters the Necropolis, builds a mage guild level2( needed to learn wasp swarm) and starts running south again.
- 王国的土地land owned by the Crown
- 新闻记者坐的席位已经成了王国的第四等级。The gallery in which the reporters sit has become a fourth estate of the realm.
- 尘世人类居住的那部分世界,想象成一座由古挪威神在宇宙中央建立的被一条巨蟒盘绕的城堡The part of the world inhabited by people, imagined as a fortress encircled by a huge serpent and built by the Norse gods around the middle region of the universe.
- 王国的法律the laws of the realm
- 骑士作风--到处从别人的城堡把漂亮的姑娘们解救出来,然后把她们带回自己的城堡里来。Chivalry: go about release beautiful maiden from other men's castle, and take them to your own castle.
- 王国的大臣a Minister of the Crown
- 王国的防卫the defence of the realm
- 她不肯马马虎虎地把这个向她的城堡要求庇护的男人交出去。She would not too hastily give up the man who had sought protection in her castle.