- 博览会期间举行了加中经贸洽谈会、环球商机和跨国采购国际论坛等一系列活动。A series of activities, such as the Canada-China Economic Match-Maker Meeting and the International Forum on Global Business Opportunities (2007) etc. were held during the Expo.
- 比利时果汁,饮料制造商,进口商,瓶装商协会Belgian association of manufacturers, bottlers and importers of fruit juices and nectar
- 环球worldwide
- 北欧家具商协会Nordic Association of Furniture Dealers
- 英国出版商协会PA Publishers Association
- 环球时报Global Times
- 商协会ECMA
- 环球网World Wide Web
- 软件出版商协会SPA: Software Publishers Association
- 环球旅行travel round the world
- 各国商协会National Associations
- 环球影城Universal Studios
- 保险商协会Underwriter's Association
- 他父亲是木材商。His father is a timber merchant.
- 美国出版商协会Association of American Publishers
- 她加入了电影协会。She has joined the film society.
- 环球的round-the-world
- 建筑商答应加速修理。The builders promised to expedite the repairs.
- 美国制药商协会ADMA
- 客轮正在做环球航行。The liner is making a round-the-world cruise.