- 型煤燃烧管Combustion tube for holed coal briquette
- 器utensil
- 管pipe
- 管理器manager
- 资源管理器explorer
- 该系列灭菌器可选配电热蒸汽发生器,靠电热管将水加热产生高压蒸汽用于消毒灭菌。The small sized sterilizer could adopt the electric steam generator,the water is heated by ele-ctric heating parts to steam.
- 管的vasal
- 伺服器server (computer)
- 网管network management
- 断路器breaker
- 管路pipeline
- 本灭菌器为单层立式圆形,主体与灭菌桶选用优质不锈钢。This sterilizer is vertical cylinder of one layer jacket. The main body and drum of sterilizer are made of high-quality stainless steel.
- 品管QA
- 高管senior executive
- 感应器inductor
- 联轴器shaft joint
- 弯管syphon
- 排气管vent-pipe
- 清洁器cleaner
- 稳压器manostat