- 所产生的家畜粪尿量加重了环境负担。The environmental burden was became heavier due to cow's faeces and urine.
- 中国实物国际贸易及其附带的环境负担转嫁分析Analysis of Chinese International Physical Trade and Associated Environmental Burden
- 新型络合剂能满足技术要求和减轻环境负担,因此,络合剂领域中的新发展将更进一步强化这一加工步骤。New developments in the field of complex formers, which meet technical requirements and also ease the burden on the environment, will further reinforce the trend towards this procesing stage.
- 负担burden
- 牲畜和家禽粪便加大中国环境负担中国日报近日引据专家报道说,畜牧业的发展正在威胁着中国的环境。更多。Animal waste a burden for China's environment Increased animal husbandry is threatening China's environment, China Daily reported experts as saying on Friday. More.
- 沉重的负担a white elephant
- 他们出了一本有关环境恶化的小册子。They issued a pamphlet concerning the worsening environment.
- 经济负担economic burden
- 人类和环境竞争。The human being struggles with his environment.
- 负担不起can't afford to
- 他很快适应了新的环境。He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.
- 加重负担increase one's load
- 适宜野营的理想环境an ideal setting for camping
- 减轻债务负担reduction or cancellation of debts
- 生活在奢侈的环境中live in luxurious surroundings
- 增加负担increase burden
- 恶化的环境aggravating circumstances
- 负担费用foot the bill
- 孩子们在学校有一个快乐的环境。The children have a happy environment at school.
- 减轻农民负担lighten the burden on the peasants (farmers)