- 外审outer reviewing manuscript
- 外outside
- 抚顺环境外照射贯穿辐射剂量水平的调查与分析Investigation and Analysis on the Level of Penetrating Radiation Dose of Environmental External Exposure in Fushun
- 外审制度outside peer-review system
- 论"外审"的角色定位Role orientation of "peer viewers not on the permanent staff"
- 除典型的生产环境外,该技术也应用于交通控制的监控和信号系统,以及能源部门。In addition to typical production environments, this technology is also successfully used in the traffic control area, in monitoring and signalisation systems as well as in the energy sector.
- 稿件“外审”工作peer review
- 类不能在设计时环境外使用。Class is not intended for use outside of the design time environment.
- 报审report
- 大楼除了提供较佳的办公环境外,亦提供较完备的培训设施,进一步加强工作效率。Apart from providing a better working environment, the building will house more training facilities and will help further enhance our operational efficiency.
- 年审annual examination
- 外包epiboly
- 待审pending trial
- 在外outer
- 外向extroversion
- 送审submit to a higher level for approval or revision
- 外卖take-out
- 再审rehear
- 婚外extramarital
- 审单document examination