- 发电generate electricity
- 风力发电wind power generation
- 发电的dynamoelectric
- 他们出了一本有关环境恶化的小册子。They issued a pamphlet concerning the worsening environment.
- 人类和环境竞争。The human being struggles with his environment.
- 太阳能发电solar electrical energy generation
- 他很快适应了新的环境。He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.
- 发电设备generating equipment
- 发电机用于发电。A dynamo is used to generate electricity.
- 适宜野营的理想环境an ideal setting for camping
- 生活在奢侈的环境中live in luxurious surroundings
- 发电系统generating system
- 恶化的环境aggravating circumstances
- 发电装置generating set
- 孩子们在学校有一个快乐的环境。The children have a happy environment at school.
- 我在陌生环境总觉不自在。I always feel ill at ease in a strange environment.
- 垃圾发电garbage power
- 关于环境保护问题的讨论会a seminar on environmental protection
- 我们可以利用原子核裂变发电。We can generate electric power by splitting atoms.
- 农村环境有助于他恢复健康。The rural environment lent itself to the restoration of his health.