- 看to look after
- 是我看花眼了呢,还是在那儿的人是比尔呢?我以为他死了。Am I seeing things or is that Bill over there? I thought he was dead.
- 他不会甘心情愿支持我们,一定会把我们教训一顿,对我们的革命瞧不上眼。He won't support us willingly, he'll preach against us, and he'll despise our revolution.
- 汤姆在洗盘子,我一定是看花眼了!Tom's washing the dishes-I must be seeing things!
- 王八蛋son of a gun
- 穆帅上一场对上红袜五局内保送了四名打者。Mussina, in his previous start against the Red Sox, had four walks in five innings.
- 看电影see a movie
- 看的visual
- 谁在这里生火啊? 都烟得睁不开眼了。Who's lighting the stove here? I can't even open my eyes for the smoke.
- 地方各级人民政府对上一级国家行政机关负责并报告工作。Local people's governments at different levels are responsible,and report on their work,to the state administrative organs at the next higher level.
- 看完sit through
- 不看turnaway
- 我眯了眼了。Something has got into my eyes.
- 看出espy
- 对上、下部有不同标号要求的灌注桩施工处理方法的研究Study on Construction Method of a Filling Pile with Different Marks at the Upper and Lower Parts
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。"And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 他在你的票上打眼了吗?Did he punch a hole in your ticket?
- 她整整一夜没合上眼。She lay awake all night long.
- 裁判也瞎了眼了。And so is the umpire.
- 他约莫有二十五六岁,天生一副对上谄媚对下轻视无礼,不讨人喜欢的面孔。He was a man of twenty-five or twenty-six years of age, of unprepossessing countenance, obsequious to his superiors, insolent to his subordinates;