- 猫跳上了茶几。The cat jumps onto the coffee table.
- 那只猫跳到瑞拉的椅子上,黄色的眼睛看着她。The cat jumped on to Rilla's chair and looked at her with its yellow eyes.
- 什么?(那只猫跳到了他的肩上)噢!What? (the cat jumps on his shoulders) Ow!
- 猫cat
- 滑雪skiing
- 猫跳到了壁炉台上。跟我来。/快点。The cat jumped onto the mantelpiece.
- 滑雪场skifield
- 小猫kitten
- 我躺在一条凳子上,老母猫跳上了另一条。On one of these I stretched myself,and Grimalkin mounted the other.
- 滑雪服ski suit
- 猫咪kitty
- 猫的feline
- 这条小道上可以滑雪。The trail can be skied.
- 高山滑雪场skifield
- 跳变jumping
- 她买了一套滑雪装备。She bought a ski outfit.
- 龙猫galesaur
- 不管怎样,今晚我要去跳迪斯科舞,无论你是否愿意与我同去。In any event I'm going to the disco tonight whether you want to come with me or not.
- 这小孩被蛇吓了一跳。The child was frightened by the snake.
- 躲猫猫peekaboo