- 懒惰的小猪你何时起床?Lazy Piggy will you get up?
- 你应该与你的老板交涉,争取让他给你涨工资。You should negotiate a pay raise with your boss.
- 比如,一套设备,给你涨点价,或者以次充好,都是可能的。For instance,when we import complete plants,they may edge up the price or pass off inferior goods as high-grade ones.
- 猪swine
- 如果你衣着得体,说明你的收入已经达到需要的生活标准,所以也不用给你涨工资。If you dress just right, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a raise.
- 涨to rise (of prices rivers)
- 小猪pigling
- 猪流感swine flu
- 涨停harden
- 希望你早日康复。I hope you will soon recover.
- 猪的porcine
- 你好!chin-chin
- 涨的up
- 母猪sow
- 请你Would you kindly ... ?
- 涨停板raising limit
- 麻烦你Would you kindly ... ?
- 猪八戒one of the chief characters in "Pilgrimage To The West" who was supposedly incarnated through the spirit of pig, a symbol of man's cupidity
- 祝你好运good luck
- 公猪boar